Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Inquiry Film -Caleb, Ino Lee, Darshna and Tavite

Here is a video produced by Caleb, Ino-Lee, Darshna and Tavite.  There question was focusing on how overfishing and tourism are affecting the sea.  This was filmed and produced by the group - Miss Nola was not allowed to help!


  1. that was a funny video.

  2. Wow!! I am so impressed with your video. I really like the way you read your information so fluently, you had obviously practiced. I also liked the way you switched to different locations.

    What is one thing you have learnt about producing a video?

    Miss Lepou

  3. Wow, what a great video, it was informative and interesting to watch. Well done!
    Miss Mac

  4. Good work D5. That is awesome. I enjoyed watching your video.
